Assessoria contábil e terceirização de processos de negócios.
Nossos Serviços
Oferecemos soluções em departamento pessoal, BPO financeiro e departamento fiscal para sua empresa.
Departamento Pessoal
Gestão de folha de pagamento e benefícios para seus colaboradores com eficiência.
BPO Financeiro
Terceirização de processos financeiros para otimizar sua gestão e reduzir custos operacionais.
Consultoria em Departamento Fiscal
Apoio na conformidade fiscal e otimização de tributos para sua empresa.
Assessoria Legal

Serviços de consultoria jurídica para garantir conformidade legal e proteção dos interesses da empresa.
Assessoria Contábil
Serviços de contabilidade para manter as finanças da empresa em ordem e em conformidade com a legislação.
Assessoria Trabalhista
BPO Financeiro
Clientes e parceiros
Nossa relacionamento com nossos clientes é muito especial, e nosso objetivo é vê-los prosperar e alcançar o sucesso.
É por isso que aqui você pode explorar um pouco mais sobre quem são eles, seus serviços e produtos. Estamos sempre aqui para apoiá-los em sua jornada de crescimento.

Acompanhe nossa rede social!

Data Infrastructure & Engineering
You might have the best product or service in the world, but if you can't effectively organize your data and other information technology infrastructures, you could be missing out on opportunities. Our data engineers help you understand and implement the right infrastructure solution for your brand and business, ensuring all teams have the knowledge to operate the right databases.
All of our data engineers are Boston University graduates.
Systems engineered
We've worked with clients from all walks of life, from tech to agriculture.
Ongoing projects
We keep in touch with our clients and offer ongoing support.
Data Analytics
Effective data analysis helps businesses of all sizes to save money, see the bigger market trends and streamline internal processes. Our team helps you identify the data streams you should be tracking and following, and sets up processes and visualization tools to help you make sense of the data. From one-off consultation to ongoing partnerships, our data analysts are available on short notice to help you steer your business to the right direction.

Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data.
Companies analyzed
Last year, we were able to help nearly 50 companies.
Dollars saved in a day
Our consultants were able to save our client $130k in a day.

Data Visualization
You've got the data, but struggle in visualizing the market changes and consumer behavior? We've got your back. Our in-house team of UI/UX designers ensure that all data, no matter how complex, can be displayed through visualization tools in ways that actually make sense to shareholders at a glance.
UI/UX designers
Our designers have an extensive background in data analysis.
Visualizations made
From presentations to marketing materials and beyond.
Ongoing projects
Data changes, but our team stands by your side when you need us.
"Leia o que nossos clientes têm a dizer sobre a experiência com a SUPORTE Contabilidade. Esses depoimentos reais são o reflexo do nosso compromisso em oferecer soluções financeiras excepcionais e resultados tangíveis."

John Bjerrand
I work in agricultural consulting, meaning that we often need to use big and complex datasets to justify expensive investments for our clients. Lilo's consultants helped us see the big picture with their visualization tools and expertise.
Anna Claudio
As the in-house supplier manager, it's sometimes had to understand which manufacturers work best for our needs. Lilo's data analysis helped us identify where we could save and which manufacturers worked the best for us in the long term.

Rua Eça de Queirós, 1930, Pinheiros - Sorriso - MT